Friday, February 26, 2010

Getting Easier

I have been exercising on and off for about 2 months now. I don't make it a big deal, because I think I will get discouraged and not do it as much if it is a "Big Deal". I don't even tell myself that I am trying to lose weight. That might cause me issues too. I just try and exercise when my life allows. When life doesn't allow, that is OK, not the end of the world because me exercising is a big deal. I can tell that there is a small indention in the rectangle that is my body where a waist used to be. That indentation is good! No, I don't have six pack abs yet, but considering I haven't seen my waist since I had kids, we are making progress.
I try to exercise 3-4 times a week. That is pretty doable for me at this time in my life. I have a child that attends mother's day out 2 days a week and since they are not in my town, but about a 20-30 min drive away I use that time to run errands. Those days we get home with about 1 hour or 1 1/2 hours for my son to take a nap before we have to leave to pick up my daughter. By the time we return home about 3:45, do snack, look over papers, etc. it is time to start dinner. On Wednesdays, I don't cook, but we have church and have to leave at 6:30 and don't get home till 8:15 pm. I am not a fan of doing the hair and makeup twice in a day, so I don't like to get sweaty and know I have to go somewhere else that day. So I don't ever exercise on Wednesdays. I usually don't exercise on Tuesdays either, but I did this week. There are always 2 or 3 other days that end up full and I don't exercise those days either. Which is OK, not a big deal.
I can tell I am in better shape. I no longer feel as if I am really going to die when I do Jillian Michael's evil Shred level 1. I made the mistake of trying to go to level 2 once before...I haven't made that mistake again. Let's just say you need to be a level 1 MASTER before moving up to level 2. At least if you want to be able to breathe at all during the video and be able to walk afterward.
I also do the elliptical machine my husband bought for me a couple of years ago. The days I do that I also try to do the Bowflex or yesterday I did the pilates tape. I really need to get this "pooch" under control. I try to beat my best distance on the elliptical every time, although I didn't yesterday. I slow down when I need to and that is OK. I am the type of person if it is too hard or I have to devote too much time to it, I will probably quit. i need to do some more work with the exercise ball on my abs. I also need to figure out some good exercises for my thighs. Not a pretty sight!
But the point is...I am doing it. Not just thinking about exercising. Not just talking about it. Not just feeling guilty about Not exercising, actually doing it!!!

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